Lanfeust de Troy
It all starts with a phone call from the publishing house, Hachette. They are looking for someone to work on the novelization of Lanfeust de Troy, a best-seller series of graphic novels. They have heard of our writing duo. We do tests. We get on well with Arleston, the writer and creator of Lanfeust, and the project is greenlighted.
On we go.
Eight books on the shelves, plus a well-received Young Adult version. This could be sufficient but the truth is: novelizing, writing with a partner, fantasy worlds… it won’t tame the happy, stormy winds which started rising inside my head. I need to write by myself, something that is more like me. A door leading to a place of freedom has opened, and I don’t want to close it already. So I start working like a madman. Stephen King tells me, in On Writing, that there is no secret : you have to read a lot, and write a lot. Study in detail how the pros do it. Dissect, imitate, learn. Also, follow your instinct.
In short, feed your writing with your own personal feelings and be ready to dash for it.
Stephen King has been with me since my first chills, when I was 8. This guy must know what he’s talking about.
I dash.